What the heck is a spec spot? It's a radio term for producing a fictitious commercial for a client as a way to persuade them to buy airtime. This worked successfully when I was in radio sales many moons ago and guess what? Spec spots can produce results in the voiceover business as well!
If you have a meeting with a potential VO buyer on the calendar, do yourself a favor and produce a spec spot for the client. For example, if this is a new car dealership, write a fun and energetic radio commercial. This is a great way to pitch the client on your voiceover services. Especially small-to-medium market clients who don't necessarily use an advertising agency for their business.
Contrary to what some may believe, it also strokes the client's ego. If it's Jack Moore Automotive and Jack hears his own name in a radio commercial for the first time, it's going to get him pretty excited and you're going to have a better than average chance of earning his business. I work with dozens of clients who would not be clients had I not taken the time to produce a spec spot for them. It works!