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UVT Blog

Finding the Passion for VO in the Face of Adversity

Breaking out of a cycle of negativity and low self-esteem can be challenging. So many of us have been told at some point that we’re not good enough, and it can be difficult to convince ourselves otherwise. This is especially true if you don’t have a lot of support when pursuing something you’re passionate about. But no matter the obstacles, you have to follow your heart.

Growing up, I always wanted to do voiceovers but didn’t get much support, so I never thought it was possible. After working in radio for a while, however, I started booking voiceover gigs on the side and slowly realized that maybe this could become my full-time job. Even then, my late mother was disappointed that I wasn’t going into the ministry as she had hoped - but something inside me told me to keep going despite being called a "dreamer." Although I have nothing but love for my parents, the truth is that growing up was far from easy. The mental abuse inflicted by both those closest to me and educators molded a difficult journey of self-discovery; one which continues today with heavy reminders of my past. Although my mother and I had our differences and struggles, since losing her in 2020, there is not single day where she does not occupy thought space within me. One of my health teachers even called me a loser and told me I would never do anything with my life. As a result, my confidence was non-existent for a good part of my life. Even when I started booking commercials regularly, I was still doubting myself. "Why did the client pick me? You mean they liked my audition?" Although I have come a long way in building confidence, the ghosts of my past can sometimes still haunt me. To be able to move on and better myself has taken tremendous effort and dedication.

My wife Tracy has been an incredible inspiration and source of support throughout this journey - she gave me the confidence and motivation to take risks with this career path and pushed me beyond my comfort zone. Like me, she was born an entrepreneur, so she knew first-hand how hard you must work to succeed. Tracy is a successful content writer and social media manager for several resorts and other businesses. Watching her business blossom gives me a sense of inspiration every week.

Ultimately, life is too short not to do what makes you happy! Ignoring the naysayers can be easier said than done without having somebody close by who believes in you; however, if you stay focused on your goals and put in the effort required to get there, anything is possible! When times seem bleak, having someone in your corner to rally behind you is invaluable. Those challenging goals can come into reach with the proper support and words of encouragement! Don't let anyone tell you that achieving what matters most isn't possible - have faith in yourself even when things look hopeless. Even when impossible endeavors feel daunting, sticking with them can pay off. When challenges arise, success is found in perseverance. Hard work and dedication can bring even the most ambitious dreams to life!

1 comentario

30 nov 2024

Terry, I went into the ministry and considered leaving it for radio after 3 years. I stayed in for 50 years and now at 75 I'm pursuing a career in Voiceover. I'm enjoying the challenges and learning of being an entrepreneur! Jim Berger, Estero, Fl

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