Suppose this is your mindset. If it is, you're better off buying lottery tickets. Starting a voiceover business isn't a quick cash grab. When you're first starting, it's easy to focus on the money because this is what we hear from charlatan coaches promising six-figure incomes and certain voiceover books that feature dollar bills floating in front of a microphone. Put all things money on the back-burner or it will become a distraction. Instead, work with a reputable coach on performance skills, demos and learning the business. This should be a priority if you're taking this business seriously.
How soon can I make money doing this? I remember asking this very question when I started this journey decades ago. I was so focused on the money that I often turned a deaf ear to my coaches, and I wasn't putting all my efforts in the right places. Seriously, park any notion of making money while you work on mastering the delivery of a commercial, narration or character script. In the end, it's the professional voiceover skills that will potentially make you money. But when you're a beginner, it should never be your primary focus while learning.
I need to make some money first to afford voiceover training. I hear this all the time and while I understand the mindset, it doesn't work this way. If you're an artist, nobody will buy your painting before it's finished. Steve Martin once said, "Be so good, they can't ignore you." This fabulous line makes no mention of money. It's all about becoming the best actor you can become. This philosophy works the same for voice acting. This is why voiceover coaching is critical and should never be neglected.
The main issue is that several newcomers tend to fall for specific voiceover book covers that display a bunch of cash on the cover. Some even mention money in the title of the book. They want to sell books. I get it. But the titles and designs on some of these books are misleading. Some coaches even mention six-figure incomes in their courses. In my opinion, this is a disreputable way to lure a vulnerable newcomer. It's incredibly misleading. Because of this, I field several calls a week from people who ask me how quickly they can make six-figures doing voiceovers.
We all want to make money doing voiceovers. I've been fortunate to have a successful career as a voice actor for more than fifteen years. I worked extremely hard to get where I am today. There's no question that the voiceover business can be a grind, but if you put the "money" part aside while you learn the art and work your tail off, you'll have a chance to succeed. Remember, doing voiceovers is fun. So enjoy the journey, learn all you can and never give up!