If you're unfamiliar with eLearning, it's a structured course or learning experience delivered electronically. Live or pre-recorded lectures, online quizzes, simulations, games, and other interactive elements can also be interpreted as eLearning projects.
eLearning narration has been one of my strengths since it was introduced around 2001. Back then, I booked this kind of work mainly through talent agencies. Now, with the Internet and social media evolving, it's opened the gate to an enormous number of opportunities to work directly with eLearning clients.
Like a commercial or video game character demo, it's imperative to get your eLearning professionally produced by a demo producer and after you have worked with a voiceover coach on your technique and delivery. When I produce eLearning narration demos, I usually include five or six clips on the demo. These are typically samples of medical narration, online quizzes, and other various training modules.
Linkedin has been a gold mine when it comes to finding eLearning clients. I get about a dozen new clients each year by connecting with eLearning production companies and various corporations on Linkedin. Of course, they don't all become steady clients, but if you can do that volume per year using a free social media platform, it's a big win!
Once you have your eLearning demo, start by looking into corporations in your local area that have in-house video production departments. Most of them do! This is how I get steady work with 3M, General Mills, Boston Scientific and Medtronic.
Cold calling is essential in contacting the department heads of these video production departments. Email marketing can be effective when marketing your voiceover business. Still, in the case of these rather large corporations, it can be tough to get a hold of the decision-maker without making a few phone calls. It may take a few attempts to get past the gatekeeper but keep at it!
When making these kinds of calls, I don't mention voiceover or explain why I am calling. Instead, I confidently tell the gatekeeper that I am returning a call to the head of the video production department. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. This is why you may have to try multiple times. This is part of the sales part of the business. It's not always the most enjoyable but remember; this could be the start of having a steady client for years to come.
Based on dozens of video production directors I have spoken with, they tend to use a smaller pool of talent than an advertising agency would use. This is a win for you. You won't be competing with hundreds of other talents for work. These department heads are extremely busy people and typically don't always have the time to call talent agencies and go through that process. It's much easier for them to contact you directly!